Yandex Cloud

Yandex Cloud specific variables for configs.yaml:

Name Explanation / Values
storageCapacity VM’s disk size. The VMs will boot from disk, this sets the size of it. Measured in GB. (required)
pathToPubKey Path to your public key, which is injected into the VMs. (required)
serviceAccountKeyFile Path to a JSON file containing the credentials. (required)
openUser Default user for SSH connections. (required)
cloudID. Cloud ID. (required)
folderID Folder ID (required)
platformID Platform ID. (required)
zone Zone where the deployments should be performed. (required)
imageID OS image ID. (required)
flavor.cores VM number of cores. (required)
flavor.memory The amount of memory for the server in GB. (required)
staticIPs Array of Static IPs to use, instead of automatically obtained ones.