Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

OCI specific variables for configs.yaml:

Name Explanation / Values
ssh_public_key_path Path to the public key belonging to your private key at pathToKey. This will be injected to the VMs (required)
authFile Path to the yaml file containing the OTC credentials. See below the structure of such file. (required)
image_ocid The OCID of the image to be used on the VMs. The OCID list can be consulted here: (required)
compartment_ocid Compartment’s OCID. (required)
availability_domain Availability domain to be used. (required)
subnet_ocid The OCID of the subnet to be used. (required)
storageCapacity VM’s disk size.
useFlexShape Indicates if the selected flavor is a flexible shape (such as VM.Optimized3.Flex). If this is set to false and the used flavor is a flexible one, the instances will be created with the default configuration values for the specified shape.

When using a flexible shape, specify also the following arguments (note these would be only considered if useFlexShape is set to true):

Name Explanation / Values
ocpus Specify the cores for the VMs.
memoryInGbs Specify the memory in GB for the VMs.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure credentials file’s must be a YAML file containing only the following variables:

Name Explanation / Values
privateKeyPath Path to the private key to be used to authenticate to OCI. This is not the key to be used to ssh into the machines.
userOcid User’s OCID.
tenancyOcid Tenancy’s OCID.
fingerprint Authentication key’s fingerprint.
region Region to be used.

It is also possible to use OKE to provision the cluster, for this refer to section Using existing clusters.