
Install az CLI and configure credentials with ‘az login’. Note resource group, security group, and subnet have to be created in advance.

Azure specific variables for configs.yaml:

Name Explanation / Values
location The region in which to create the compute instances. (required)
subscriptionId ID of the subscription. (required)
resourceGroupName Specifies the name of the Resource Group in which the Virtual Machine should exist. (required)
pubSSH Public SSH key of the key specified at configs.yaml’s pathToKey. (required)
securityGroupID The ID of the Network Security Group to associate with the VMs’s network interfaces (required)
subnetId Reference to a subnet in which the NIC for the VM has been created. (required)
image.publisher Specifies the publisher of the image used to create the virtual machines.
image.offer Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machines.
image.sku Specifies the SKU of the image used to create the virtual machines.
image.version Specifies the version of the image used to create the virtual machines.

The image section is optional but in case it is provided, all its 4 variables must be set. Omitting the image section defaults to:

  • publisher = OpenLogic
  • offer = CentOS
  • sku = 7.5
  • version = latest

It is also possible to use AKS to provision the cluster, for this refer to section Using existing clusters.